Poll: What do you hope the future holds for Monte McNaughton?

Monte McNaughton
Monte McNaughton

With former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford by his side, Ontario PC leadership candidate Monte McNaughton kicked off his Toronto campaign yesterday.

The MPP for Lambton-Kent-Middlesex threw a party at Woodbine Banquet Hall in Etobicoke as his first campaign stop in the Ontario PC Party leadership race.

The race for the PC leadership now includes three people: McNaughton; Barrie MP Patrick Brown; and Whitby-Oshawa MPP Christine Elliott.

Every member of the Ontario PC Party will be able to vote for PC leader this coming May.

As McNaughton is our elected representative in Lambton-Kent-Middlesex, which encompasses Wallaceburg and Dresden, we are curious what everyone hopes for Monte?

Would you rather him solely focus his attention to Lambton-Kent-Middlesex?

Or would you like to see him as the leader of the Ontario PC Party?

Please answer our poll question below and provide some more feedback by commenting as well:

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