#ShutDownCanada protest planned outside Walpole Island


A protest is set to take place on Friday, between Walpole Island and Wallaceburg, in support of missing or murdered indigenous woman across the country.

Bkejwanong Territory, Walpole Island First Nation will be participating with the #ShutDownCanada movement and their “day of action.”

“The goal is to significantly impact the Canadian economy for a day and demand there be an independent inquiry into the 2000 plus cases of missing or murdered indigenous woman,” read an event description on Facebook.

Participants are set to gather at Highway 40 and Dufferin Avenue from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

A “traffic slow down” is expected to be created in order to pass on information on Canada’s murdered and missing indigenous women to motorists.

A press release issued by #ShutDownCanada states that their overall goal is: “To remove the veil or illusion of the Conservative government’s “Action Plan” that is being touted as a strong economic stance for Canada in the global market. Economics being the key word and base of why there is such a blatant disregard for human rights and our environment.”

Watch for more on this story.


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