One persons actions can affect countless others

smoke cigarette smoking

From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Just as one person’s actions can make a world of difference for the good for a whole lot of others, so, unfortunately is the opposite true.

Case in point: My family recently enjoyed a family vacation in Boston, MA.

One particular night, at 1 o’clock in the morning, the smoke alarm in our hotel went off and a lady’s shrill voice pierced the silence and stillness of our dark room, demanding our strict and immediate attention.

The hotel’s smoke alarm had gone off and we were instructed to leave our room immediately and head to the nearest stairwell to await further instruction.

We grouped around in the hallway with others on our floor, bewildered as to the cause of this alarm.

As it turned out one person had been smoking in their room and their actions triggered the alarm affecting the entire hotel, all 28 floors.

One person’s inconsiderate and foolish actions adversely affected the lives of countless others.

How often do we see such a scenario played out in our world every single day?

Quit thinking that what you do is nobody’s business but your own.

That is self-centred and just plain wrong.

You can’t go very far in life without realizing that your words, your actions, and the attitudes and choices you make can and will affect others.

It is up to you to decide if you want that to be something positive or something negative.

You have that choice laying before you this very day.

What will you do with it?

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