Celebrating Father’s Day and National Aboriginal Day


From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Today is a special day in Canada.

It is National Aboriginal Day.

This is a day that celebrates Canada’s indigenous culture and the achievements made by the country’s First Nations, Metis, and Inuit people.

There will be celebrations of one sort or another all across Canada, something that has been happening on this date since 1996.

This day is also special because it is Fathers’ Day.

Just as we celebrated Mothers’ Day back in early May, we now have a day set aside to honour fathers everywhere, as well.

I see a connection between these two celebrations because both celebrate people, the crowning glory and joy of the heavenly Father’s creative work.

I am not of aboriginal descent, and my earthly father passed away over 27 years ago, yet the day is still special to me.

I choose to honour my heavenly Father for His constant care and provision for me and for my family.

I also thank Him that He is Lord of ALL nations, whether they be of aboriginal descent or from one of the other nations on this earth.

Genesis 1:27 and 31 say, “So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them… Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good.”

As a father myself now since 1992, I treasure this day more than any other day of the year, even Christmas or my birthday.

I love being a dad and thank God that He has helped me in this incredible role.

Regardless of your situation, take some time this day and thank the Creator, our heavenly Father, for his work of creation.

YOU are a very special and important part of that!

– File photo by Nathan Vercauteren

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