Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat sponsoring fair in Dresden


A free senior fair is coming to the Dresden Arena on Friday, Sept. 18. The Wallaceburg Senior Citizens Club in partnership with the Older Adult Centres’ Association of Ontario (OACAO) is holding the event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Here is some more information about the sponsor of the event, the Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat:

The Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat (OSS) advocates for, undertakes and supports policy and program initiatives that help improve the quality of life of seniors, and undertakes public education efforts for and about seniors.

They also work with seniors’ organizations and across government to develop programs and services that meet the needs of seniors and help them enjoy safe, active and healthy lives.

They aim to simplify access to government for seniors and their families.

The secretariat actively promotes the contributions seniors make to Ontario communities.

Here is a video, featuring Mario Sergio, Minister Responsible for Seniors Affairs


For more details visit their website here.

Here is a copy of the event poster with even more details:


This article is sponsored content and is a part of our “Keep It Local Business Spotlight” feature. Contact Dana Haggith for more information – 519-784-4610 or dana@sydenhamcurrent.ca.

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