Tenacity: The quality of not quitting


From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Do you know what it means to be tenacious?

In the words of Constantin Brancusi, “To see far is one thing; going there is another.”

To be tenacious to never quit.

It means you follow through on something until you finish.

It doesn’t mean you will always come out on top and finish first, but as Rick Mears puts it, “To finish first, you must finish.”

That is where tenacity comes in.

Being tenacious means giving all that you have, not more than you have.

A coach is satisfied if he knows his player gave a 100% effort, even if the game was lost.

Do you do that where you work, or on the team you play for?

Do you quit when the job is done, or when you get tired?

Jesus fed a multitude at the end of a full day of teaching, even though He was tired.

He did this because the people were hungry and needed to be fed.

A tenacious person goes the extra mile to get something accomplished, simply because it needs to be done.

This person will lay aside their own personal needs in deference to the needs of others.

Does that describe you?

My father worked past the age of retirement, when most of his colleagues had called it quits, because he still had three sons at home who were not done university.

His example is not lost on me to this very day.

Someone once said that it is better to work smarter, not harder, but sometimes both are needed.

Are you willing to pay that price?

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