Interdenominational church service held at WAMBO


From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Yesterday was the wrap up of another terrific WAMBO experience for the town of Wallaceburg.

Since the inception of the Wallaceburg Antique Motor and Boat Outing, the event has grown to be the marquee draw of the year for our town.

Since 2008 a special interdenominational church service has been celebrated under the tent downtown.

What is really cool about this service is that the majority of the town’s churches cancel their own service to join together for this one.

Most Sundays out of the year we church-going folk head to our respective places of worship and enjoy a service in our particular tradition.

I have no problem with that whatsoever.

However, it is so nice to see Christians coming together to celebrate their Lord, all under the same tent, putting differences and distinctives aside, all in the name of unity.

The service features a time of lively singing, followed by a challenging message from the Bible.

Each year folks come away from this service wishing we had more of them throughout the year.

Maybe that will start happening.

It is also nice to have one of those free hamburgers that MP Bev Shipley and MPP Monte McNaughton provides after the service.

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