Firefighter report not approved


A report about how many full-time firefighters are needed across Chatham-Kent, won’t be coming before council.

A notice of motion by South Kent Coun. Frank Vercouteren was shot down at Monday night’s council meeting.

“It is widely understood and agreed that the number of Fire Department calls and the Fire Industry have declined drastically while the number of EMS/Medical Land Ambulance calls have increased drastically, more than fire calls,” Vercouteren said in his notice of motion.

Vercouteren said his constituents are asking him questions, following the decision back in June to reject a blended service between fire and ambulance, instead opting to extend the contract with Medavie EMS for five years.

“The taxpaying public are requesting information that I do not have,” Vercouteren said.

Vercouteren had been hoping for a detailed report as to the true number of full-time fire firefighters actually required for Chatham-Kent.

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