‘Helping Hands’ assist Wallaceburg Concert Band

Special to the Sydenham Current

The Union Gas Helping Hands volunteers gathered in the band room at WDSS on September 13 to assist the Wallaceburg Concert Band.

The Helping Hands grant is an amazing opportunity for community groups to receive up to $1,000 for needed items, but the greatest part is the volunteers who bring their helping hands for the successful applicant.

Instruments, music stands, storage units, musical accessories, shelves and more were cleaned, vacuumed and organized.

Anyone who knows Dave Babbitt is aware of his golden heart and his love of music, but Dave is a bit unorganized at times and that is where the Helping Hands volunteers were such an asset.

Approximately 20 volunteers arrived with cleaning items and organization skills to ensure every part of the band room is ready to go when The Wallaceburg Concert Band begins practice September 19.

The Wallaceburg Concert Band is a group of community members who strive to create beautiful music for Wallaceburg and area.

The Wallaceburg Arts Council and The Lambton-Kent District School Board have given the Wallaceburg community an amazing opportunity to allow any one who wishes to play an instrument to come out and make music.

Dave Babbitt is leading the group with his years of musical expertise.

Stay tuned for musical presentations in the near future and if anyone is interested in being part of the Wallaceburg Concert Band the first practice is Monday, September 19 at 6 p.m. in the band room at WDSS.

The Wallaceburg Concert Band wishes to thank the Helping Hands volunteers for all of their assistance.

Here are some photos from the evening:






Submitted photos

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