‘So, have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?’


From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

If you have spent any time at all so far in this Christmas shopping season then you are bound to have had this question asked of you as you made your rounds: “So, have you finished your Christmas shopping yet?”

Shoppers come in all shapes and sizes, from the early birds to the Black Friday mavens to the hardcore procrastinators.

Whichever category you fall into, though, you can still be a shopper who also shops for others.

Here’s what I’m getting at.

Charities make a big push at Christmas to appeal to the hearts of donors to give to those in need during this festive season of the year.

That is great, of course, but have you ever visited the Salvation Army or St. Vincent de Paul or any other food bank after Christmas?

The shelves in late January and into February can look pretty bare compared to the Christmas rush.

But here’s the kicker: people need to eat in January and February, just as much as they need to do in December.

It’s wonderful to give so generously in December, but what can we do to also help in those lean, post-Christmas months?

May I suggest that as you do your Christmas shopping here in December that you also shop for those who have needs in January and February?

While you are out on the retail prowl, pick up a few items to set aside for after Christmas. Things like canned food, toiletries, retail gift cards, and socks (yes, socks!) will be appreciated items come the dark, cold days of late January.

Then, after the holidays are over, and everyone has returned to a regular school or work routine, head on over to your local food bank and make your deposit.

Your forethought will be most appreciated by the food bank clients who rely on this service and you will be a welcome sight to the volunteers meeting you at the door.

Don’t stop at January and February, either.

You can do this all year long!

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