WOW! Win a 1-night stay at Bogey’s Inn in Sombra!




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With help from our WOW sponsor Battery Boy, Bogey’s Inn in Sombra is giving away an awesome prize this week!

One person will win:

* 1 night stay in the bridal suite (based on availability)

There will be more opportunities to enter the draw on Tuesday and Wednesday this week!

We’ll be drawing ONE WINNER on Wednesday evening, February 15!

Good luck!


This contest is a part of the Battery Boy WOW (Win On Wednesday) feature on the Sydenham Current.

When it comes to almost any kind of battery, Battery Boy is proud that they are your source. From computers to alarm panels, farm and construction equipment to motorcycle, marine, lawnmower and locomotive batteries, they have it or can get it for you. You can even have your vehicle’s battery changed there, in usually less than 15 minutes!

In the late 90’s Battery Boy realized that small would be big in the future and began specializing in cell phone batteries and other small batteries.

Recycling batteries properly is very important to Battery Boy because it’s important for the health of our environment. They will collect and even pay you for lead acid batteries. They recycle about 1 million pounds of them every year. For no charge, they will also collect household batteries for recycling.

Battery Boy has been serving Chatham-Kent and region for over 30 years. They care about the community and show their commitment to our neighbours in various ways including our support for the Chatham-Kent Hospice and Goodfellows, along with many other local charities.

Check them out online, at:

Similar contests will be held each week for our readers to win FREE stuff! If you want to know how to get involved, e-mail Dana at


  1. I seriously have my fingers crossed for this one! The kids have been sick, and crabby, and not sleeping. It would be so nice for hubby and I to have a night away….to sleep! 😊

  2. would love to win this for a friend of mine she is losing her job this year due to store closing she is an older lady so worried about finding new job this would be a nice surprise for her

  3. Great prize Shawn ! Thanks for an opportunity to get away for a night . Beautiful spot there. Would be great to win this .

  4. We’ve been to Bogey’s Inn a few times for different functions. Its a beautiful venue, with a beautiful view. We haven’t had the opportunity to stay a night so this give away would be great.

  5. Have been so stressed out with planning our upcoming wedding that this would be nice to take my fiancé away for a night and focus on just us! Thanks for the chance to win!

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