The Lower Thames Valley Conservation Authority (LTVCA) is pleased to announce that starting February 15th, they are bringing back the former Chatham-Kent Free Tree program.
The first 500 Chatham-Kent residents to sign up will receive a large stock tree for free.
Species available include Ironwood, Sugar Maple and Kentucky Coffee.
People are encouraged to apply as soon as possible as this is first come first served.
People must properly register to receive a tree, those who provide missing or wrong information will be disqualified.
To properly register you must provide in your email:
1. Email subject line must read FREE TREE
2. Full Name
3. Full mailing address including postal code
4. Phone number
To register email:
The pick up date and location for the free trees is Saturday, April 15 at C.M. Wilson Conservation Area, 21799 Fargo Rd, Blenheim.
Trees will be bare root so people need to bring their own garbage bag.
Residents can sign up by going to their website and selecting the Free Tree Program button on the home page and follow instructions.
Trees must be planted on own property and comply with Municipal setbacks.
Remember to call or go online to Ontario 1 Call before you dig: or 1-800-400-2255.