Has all this technology made us less human?

By Kathy Tomecek, Public Health Nurse – Special to the Sydenham Current

After the holidays I was chatting with one of my co-workers while waiting for our lunches to heat up in the microwave. We shared the usual post-holiday chit chat, asking each other what we got for Christmas. She showed me her new hi-tech gadget. She explained that it can monitor her sleep patterns, tell her when to take a drink of water as well as notify her when she should get up and move.

I will agree, technology has improved our lives in many ways, and maybe for some this device with help improve their health. But, are we overusing technology at the expense of having a true connection to ourselves and others?

Think about the last time you were out in a public space or even a meeting. Did you notice most of the people around you were bent over a digital screen, thumbing a connection to somewhere else?

Has all this technology made us less human? When we believe life is a rat race to be won we become more isolated and less connected. How can we create a more meaningful, mindful life? A life where we are willing to put down our digital devices and connect with ourselves and those around us.

What is a mindful life? When you are mindful, your awareness is in the current moment. You become aware of yourself and your surroundings. You simply observe these things as they are, without judgement. You are aware of your own thoughts and feelings. You don’t react to them in the way that you would if you were on “autopilot”.

If the idea of being on autopilot strike a chord with you then here are three easy tips to incorporate in you day to day life:

STOP and NOTICE – The other day I was trying to get my grandchild into the car. She refused to get in and she kept saying “feed the birds, feed the birds”. I felt myself getting frustrated. My “autopilot” just wanted her to get in the car but I was able to STOP and then NOTICE what she was trying to tell me. She wanted to take the Cheerios out from the car and feed the birds. Once she was able to do that she gladly jumped into the car and off we went.

BREATHE – Our breath can be the anchor to bring us back to the present moment. When you pay attention to how the breath enters and exits your body your attention is on the present.

BE GRATEFUL – When we appreciate the goodness we receive, we want to give back. This connection not only allows individuals to survive and prosper, but also our society. Whether you write in a journal or say it to yourself find at least 3 things to be grateful for each day.

I would like to leave you with the famous words of Ferris Bueller, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

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