Stand up for others

From the Pastor’s Pen – by Brian Horrobin

If you are out and about driving this afternoon in Wallaceburg or Chatham, or any number of communities across Canada and the United States, you will see a silent, peaceful protest going on.

People will be holding signs as you drive by that indicate that they are standing up for the rights of the unborn child.

I will be one of those people.

Our world was shaken once again back in August with the racist turmoil that unfolded in Charlottesville, Virginia, where a young woman lost her life in the melee.

People feel passionately about various issues, but sometimes that passion boils over into unrest and violence.

We must somehow stand up in defense of others, yet not resort to violence to do it.

Jesus seemed to know how to do this, whether it was an immoral woman or a money-grubbing tax collector.

The Saviour righted the wrong but also reached out to the perpetrator with love and compassion.

Can we not do the same?

I am not in favour of bombing abortion clinics to get my point across.

That is violence and civil disobedience and I am quite sure that Jesus would not have resorted to such behaviour.

He did not strong arm Rome, which He had the power to do as the Son of God.

No, He shared with those who were willing to listen and then challenged them to make a difference by not returning evil for evil but rather good for evil.

The street-level demonstration that you see today between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. will be a peaceful and silent one.

A point will be made but will be done so with a greater purpose in mind.

So, keep standing up for others, but remember to do so in the gentle spirit of the Saviour.

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