Baby girl born in Wallaceburg ER

(Submitted photos)

For the first time in years, a baby girl was born in the Wallaceburg ER.

Sierra Oaklyn Ryann Courteaux was born at 5:12 a.m. on Wednesday, October 25, weighing 8.15 lbs.

The Sydenham Campus wasn’t the planned destination for Sierra’s mother, Alicia Dubuque.

She was on her way to Chatham, when she asked her friend to turn around at RONA on Highway 40.

“I told my friend, take me to Wallaceburg,” Dubuque told the Sydenham Current.

Dubuque said she arrived at the Sydenham Campus at 5 a.m. and delivered Sierra only 12 minutes later.

The staff in the ER, including Dr. Dennis Atoe, were shocked and excited about the delivery.

“They were incredible,” Dubuque said.

“I used Dr. Atoe’s hip as a stirrup to push. He was great and his two nurses.”

She said the staff told her it has been over five years since a baby was born at Wallaceburg’s hospital.

Ryan Courteaux is the proud father.

Eventually, mother and baby were brought to the Chatham Campus in an ambulance.

Both are healthy and resting comfortably.

– Submitted photos

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