Don’t miss out on the ‘wonder’

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Well, it’s finally here.

The stores have been hawking their wares in an attempt to convince you that Christmas just won’t be worth it without that one key purchase.

Restaurants have been vying for your attention, imploring you to take a break and let them do the cooking for you. The radio stations have bombarded us with a continuous array of recycled songs whose lyrics have lost their meaning.

But none of that matters now because today is Christmas Eve and it’s time to narrow the focus and consider the immortal words of the angel in Luke 2:11: “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord.”

This is the wonder of Christmas.

You may not get that one special gift you had your eye on all season, and some of the family may have had other plans and won’t be home for Christmas, but one thing remains the same.

Jesus is still THE reason for the season and the promise given that first Christmas night applies as much today as it did then.

You can go to the bank on this promise from the angel because God never lies.

I don’t know what your plans are the rest of this day but why not find one of the churches in our community that is having a Christmas Eve service.

Make plans to go with your family or with a good friend and enjoy the wonder of Christmas.

Just call a timeout from the eating and gift giving and pause to recalibrate your schedule this day.

It may be the very thing that will restore your joy on this great holiday.

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