Think Healthy Event Dresden April 21st 10am-4pm Czech Hall

Another Vendor at the show..
Hi! I’m Wende Fahey of Keto Warriors Journey!
Some of you may know me as Wende Donaldson. I lived in Chatham and practiced as a massage therapist for several years. I’ve since moved away and had a complete life and career change. I’m so happy to come back home and share my journey with you.
I am a Ketogenic diet coach. I have been following a keto way of eating for the last 13 months. Kim Iles suggested I look at keto when I told her that my husband had been diagnosed with prostate cancer. I started with no faith it was going to do anything for me. I figured if it helped my husband’s cancer, we were golden. In the last year, without medication, only keto, we reversed my husband’s prostate cancer, as shown on an MRI in October. I reversed a laundry list of significant health conditions. Between my husband and myself, we have released 135 lbs (and counting!). We are maintaining what we have lost without struggling, without exercising. I do recommend you exercise when you are ready to. I do yoga daily now to help me on all levels.

If you have heard about keto and weren’t sure where to start, stop by my table. Come see my transformation, my husband’s transformation, hear our story and see if keto is something that might be the answer to your health questions. I offer coaching packages, beginner’s group classes (with food!), free online support (Keto Warriors Journey on Facebook), intuitive guidance, and all the tips and tricks you need to be successful in this way of living! I look forward to seeing you there. Keto On!

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