Letter: Wallaceburg takes care of their own

(Chatham-Kent Fire & Emergency Services)

Kudos to the community of Wallaceburg who once again have shown that they take care of their own.

In regards to the fire at 800 Wallace St. on March 18, many thanks to the Moose Lodge who provided shelter and food on the day of the fire and the Chatham-Kent victim’s unit who helped with the 17 families to stay at the Day’s Inn.

Many thanks to St. Vincent de Paul, the CBD club, the Legion, United Way, No Frills, Subway, Oaks Retirement, Lambton Conveyor, Southside Gym, Wallaceburg Family Dental and the many people who supplied food and clothing for these families.

I am proud to be a member of this community.

Way to go Wallaceburg.

Virginia Whitmarsh

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