Operation BackPacks still in need

Operation BackPacks is still in need of backpacks for the start of school next month.

“We’re looking for a little help as we’ve only received approximately 300 requests for backpacks for the fall,” said Steve Pratt, CEO of the United Way of Chatham-Kent.

“Normally we have over 1,000 requests in the door by now. We need to get the requests in soon (before August 17) in order to have the backpacks ready to go for September.

Pratt added: “Anyone who is in need of assistance completing the form can visit our offices in Chatham, Tilbury and Wallaceburg from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m., Monday – Friday. They can also call (519) 354-0430 for assistance.”

As previously released, Operation BackPacks aims to provide local children with a new backpack full of grade-appropriate school supplies – the tools they need to achieve academic success – and help alleviate the financial stress parents face each new school year.

Operation BackPacks was started by staff of the Chatham-Kent Health Alliance Emergency Department in 2001, after learning about a similar program that was running in another community.

That first year they distributed 26 backpacks. Since then, the program has steadily grown, adding additional partners along the way – Kiwanis Clubs, United Way, Service Canada, Union Gas, financial institutions and others – to address the increasing need in our community.

Service providers came together in 2004 to ensure that families get the help they need through a more centrally co-ordinated and collective effort. United Way was asked to take the lead and currently provides administrative support for referrals from agencies, schools and parents, centralization of supply ordering, and volunteer recruitment for assembling and delivering backpacks to schools and communities.

With support from Giant Tiger, United Way of Chatham-Kent’s Women’s Leadership Council and numerous local organizations and businesses, Operation BackPacks strives to serve every child and family in need throughout Chatham-Kent.

How can I get a BackPack for my child?

Parents or guardians can request a backpack for their children online by visiting OperationBackPacksCK.ca. Here, at the program’s webpage, you can access the online referral form, supplies provided by grade level and information regarding where and when you can pick up your requested backpacks. The last day for referral submissions is Friday, August 17, 2018.

How can I help?

You can support this program by donating money, supplies or your time! The easiest way is to sponsor one or multiple backpacks at $25 each. Sponsoring a backpack allows co-ordinators to monitor the quantity and quality of supplies and ensure each child receives the supplies they need based on their grade level. You can also donate your time by volunteering to help pack and distribute backpacks during the last week of August.

For more information about how you can become involved please contact Mary Symons, Good Neighbours Co-ordinator at goodneighbours@uwock.ca.

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