Measure twice, cut once

From the Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

At the end of August our family was able to slip away for five days for a family vacation when everyone was actually free to go after summer jobs had ended and school had not yet started.

One of our adventures included a hike at the scenic Hilton Hills Conservation Area near Milton, Ontario.

The trail we took led to a beautiful waterfall in the woods, where many stopped to take pictures under the cascading water.

My five children took their turn and instructed me to take the photo with one of their fancy phones.

I was not their first choice but availability of more reliable help was scarce so I got the call.

Amidst warnings about what to do and what not to do I took three pics and we carried on our way for the rest of the hike.

However, one of the kids checked my work, long after the photo opportunity had ended, and noticed that I had my thumb over the corner of the lens.

All three photos were blemished with my ineptitude with the camera!

We had a good laugh out of this but it also made me realize that the well-known proverb is true: “Measure twice, cut once.”

What kinds of important decisions do you have to make right now in your life?

Are you rushing into a decision, or are you taking time to pray and seek wisdom from wise mentors and counselors?

Sometimes we can erroneously conclude that certain decisions are a “no brainer” only to find out later, when the mistake has been made and it is too late to fix it, that we were wrong in our calculations.

Our world thrives on things going quickly and we get frustrated and upset when we have to wait.

However, doing it right the first time, although more time-consuming and cumbersome, can save us a lot of grief in the end.

So, may I take your picture?

I have been practising and am pretty good at it now!

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