Think Healthy 2 April 13th Czech Hall Dresden 10-5 Feature vendor

Do you need physiotherapy?


There are lots of misconceptions about who should and shouldn’t have pelvic health physiotherapy. Answer the following questions and find out!


Do experience constipation and/or hemorrhoids?


Have you experienced years of tailbone, hip, or low back pain that never seems to go away?


Do you wake up in the middle of the night to pee? Maybe even multiple times?


Do you feel like you just have a small bladder and need to go all the time?


Have you ever “tweaked” your back after picking up something off the ground?


Have you ever experienced any urinary leakage? Even little drop counts.


If you said yes to any of the questions above, you need to see your pelvic health physiotherapist


. The biggest misconception is that pelvic health physiotherapy is only for women who are pregnant


or recently had a vaginal delivery


We ALL have pelvic floors! Yes, even men. And no, you are never “too old” to address your pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor is just like any other muscle in your body, it’s can experience some issues. It’s not always obvious that your pelvic floor may be causing your hip, back or even knee or shoulder pain! .


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