Pros & cons of multi-year budgeting being sought

A Wallaceburg Councillor is hoping to gather more information about multi-year budgeting for the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

Carmen McGregor entered a notice of motion at the March 23, 2020 Council meeting to have staff investigate the concept.

“There are significant staff resources required to develop the annual budget,” McGregor said in her motion.

“There may be economic advantages for multi-year infrastructure and operational purchases.”

McGregor is hoping administration can take a look and “investigate the pros and cons.

“Including investigating municipalities that have moved to this practice, including a recommended implementation strategy,” McGregor said in her motion.

McGregor told the Sydenham Current a multi-year approach would benefit new Council’s especially.

“It would present better opportunities for new Councils to learn the budget and process before passing one, unlike our current practice of passing a budget two months after being elected,” McGregor said.

“A four-year cycle would also have the benefit of an out-going Council not having to use it as a political platform.”

McGregor added there are a number of municipalities that have a two or four-year-cycles.

“I would like to understand how well it works for them and, if we adapted, would we be able see savings for our tax payer,” she said.

McGregor said she is hoping for a report back to Council with a recommendation on or before the August 10, 2020 Council meeting.

McGregor’s motion will be discussed and voted on at the April 6, 2020 Council Meeting.

The meeting will be held virtually, starting at 6 p.m. Watch for more details in the coming days.

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