Thank you from the Black Goose Soup Kitchen.

We have received more donations for the soup kitchen than we would have ever thought possible. We are very thankful to EVERYONE who has donated. This morning I want to thank three individuals who went above and beyond. Leslie and Jim Taylor have made a donation each week since the beginning of the soup kitchen. Dr Emer and Dale Dudley made a very generous donation last week and All Seasons ran a mask promotion with the proceeds going to the soup kitchen. All Seasons raised 1300.00. To all three, and to everyone else, THANK YOU from the Childs Family. I would also like to thank the Chatham Kent Public Health Board for steering us in the right direction to receive 3600 yogurts. Those yogurts will be going out this morning with the soup to those in need. All good things eventually come to an end. Starting next week, we are switching to Monday and Friday soup deliveries as we begin to wind up the soup kitchen. To clarify, there will no longer be Wednesday soup deliveries after today.

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