Appreciating privilege

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

There’s a lot of talk these days about the concept of privilege, so with that in mind let me prod you to ask yourself this question: “What is one privilege I have that I often taken for granted?”

Living in the western world there is likely a very large list of things that we could come up with, but there is a key ingredient we must have if we are actually going to be able to start identifying our privileges.

That ingredient is gratitude.

In 1 Thessalonians 5:18 it says, “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

Let’s consider clean drinking water.

Are you thankful that you have access to good, clean drinking water?

It comes right out of the tap for you!

Hey, if that’s not good enough you can even head to the local grocery store and choose from a variety of bottled brands at a reasonable price.

Your shower this morning didn’t come from the roadside ditch.

Nobody in your household had to take jugs or bottles to a stagnant pond to fetch water to cook the day’s meals or wash the kitchen dishes and utensils.

You brushed your teeth with clean water.

You washed your face with clean water.

Even your toilet tank has potable water in it!

Quick question: when was the last time you genuinely thanked God for the clean water that you use (and use up!) each day?

When we have a heart for gratitude about things it makes us think about them more and we then appreciate the privilege of having them.

I’ve got an idea for you to help you in this area.

Sit down for a few minutes and write down seven things that you can identify as privileges that you have been taking for granted.

Now, focus on one each day for the next week by praying a prayer of thanks for that day’s privilege.

Who knows?

By the end of the week you may have formed a good habit for yourself.

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