WOW! Win a $75 Union Block Bakery gift certificate!


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With help from our WOW sponsor Homeward Realty, Union Block Bakery is giving away an amazing prize this week!

One person will win:

* 1 $75 gift certificate to Union Block Bakery, located in downtown Dresden!

There will be more opportunities to enter the draw on Tuesday and Wednesday this week!

We’ll be drawing ONE WINNER on Wednesday evening, September 9, 2020!

Good luck!

This contest is a part of the Homeward Realty WOW (Win On Wednesday) feature on the Sydenham Current.

Here is a message from the Homeward team:

Always there for our customers and the communities we serve!

At Homeward Realty Inc. we are committed to providing excellent service while assisting you in your buying or selling process.

Our Realtors® distinguish themselves in today’s real estate market.

It is the attention to the fine details that set our real estate professionals apart and continue to make Homeward Realty Inc. THE place to buy and sell real estate.

Visit their website, here.

Similar contests will be held each week for our readers to win FREE stuff! If you want to know how to get involved, e-mail Dana at


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