Dog owners responsible for scooping after their pets

With the nice weather approaching, the Municipality is reminding you to scoop your dog’s poop.

The Responsible Animal Ownership By-law states that every owner of a dog shall remove forthwith and sanitarily dispose of excrement left by the dog anywhere in the Municipality, Municipal officials say.

“Be a good neighbour and please pick up after your dog,” Municipal officials said in a media release.

“The fine associated with failing to do so is $240. The best way to pick up your dog’s excrement is to be prepared. Even if you are only walking around the block, bring a baggie with you.”

Municipal officials say not only is it a common courtesy to other people who are sharing public spaces, but it keeps areas such as dog parks and walkways clean so that other dogs and their owners can enjoy it.

“It is also not environmentally friendly to pick up your dog’s excrement, and then carelessly toss it,” Municipal officials say.

“Garbage belongs in garbage cans. Leaving dog excrement can potentially spread disease to other animals so it is important that we work as a team to clean up the excrement in our community. Even if your dog doesn’t show any symptoms of illness, their waste could still carry bacteria and parasites that may be harmful to other pets and humans.”

Municipal officials added: “Remember, a little bit of scooping will go a long way in keeping our community clean. By taking the extra minute or so to pick up after your dog, you are not only being a good citizen and responsible pet owner — you’re actually helping to make Chatham-Kent neighbourhoods clean.”

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