New subdivision plan approved in Dresden

Municipality of Chatham-Kent Council gave the green light for a new subdivision plan in Dresden at their virtual meeting on Monday night, May 17, 2021.

The proposed plan is located in the northwest quadrant of Dresden, between Isaac Street and Camden Street.

Council unanimously approved staff recommendations for a zoning by-law amendment and a draft plan subdivision application.

A staff report indicates the total land, which is comprised of three separate parcels, is approximately 4.55 hectares or 11.2 acres.

When the project is built out, it will include:

– 20 lots for single detached dwellings

– 16 Lots for semi-detached dwellings

– Four blocks for semi-detached dwellings

– One block for parkland

– One block for stormwater management facilities

– Three public right-of-ways and one public right-of-way widening

“The proposed development is within the Dresden Urban Boundary and is adjacent to existing built-up residential areas,” said Ryan Jacques, director of planning, in a report.

“The development is an efficient use of vacant residentially designated lands that have access to full municipal services, and are in close proximity to transit facilities and other public services. The proposed low density housing will provide a range of housing options for residents.”

A total of eight deputations from local residents, all in opposition of the proposal, were read by staff during Monday’s meeting.

North Kent Councillor Joe Faas made a successful motion during the meeting to accept the staff recommendations.

“I know change is scary and people are afraid of the uncertainties, but in my opinion there are are a lot of positives by doing this,” Faas said.

“For example it has brought a lot of people from outside the Chatham-Kent area, as far away as Toronto, Barrie, Owen Sound in the subdivision on Leisure Lane and Davies Street. We’re the envy of some communities because we do have the ability to expand and provide the housing, where other Municipalities are struggling to do that.”

North Kent Councillor Jamie McGrail said she is excited for the project and for the fact that the developers will take into consideration the neighbours living in the area during construction.

“This is great for Dresden,” she said.

Dave Depencier, the developer for the project, said they are trying to do everything possible to make this a smooth process.

“I feel very confident that we’ve done that,” Depencier said during the virtual meeting.

“On behalf of myself, as the builder and the developer, and my partners that are involved in this project we are very, very confident that we make this something we can be proud of as members of this community, as well as something Chatham-Kent can be proud of.”

Depencier added he believes the project will take approximately two to three years to complete in its entirety.

Read the full report, here.

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