Messages of hope with humour and heart

By Sharon Campbell Rayment – Special to the Sydenham Current

“Love your neighbour as yourself” and “Love God with all your heart, mind, and soul” were the two greatest commandments the Teacher gave.

Yet to me they are one and the same.

I have the Essence, the Breath of God within me that I inhaled voraciously at my birth with my first cry.

You too, and every sentient being, took this initial breath at birth, and have taken a shared breath with all of creation, every second since, until our last.

This is the Essence of God that always dwells within us.

It is this Essence within all, the ruach (breath) and nephesh (spirit), that unite us as One.

That is why I say we share One Breath of indwelling life, One Heartbeat that resounds as one beat, and One Song resonating in harmony when we truly see, and honour, our interconnectedness.

This is embraced within the saying, “All my Relations United as One”.

This can become a breath prayer that you can say as you look around to those who are near you at work, in the grocery store, or anywhere you go.

Breathe in quietly saying within your mind, “All my Relations”.

Breathe out quietly saying within your mind, “United As One”.

Breathe in quietly saying within your mind, “I breathe in love to All my Relations”.

Breathe out quietly saying within your mind, “I breathe out love United As One”.

This breath prayer reveals all that we share.

Try it today.

Just once as you sit in your office, drive your car, stand in line at the grocery story, or have a quiet moment. Breathe in love to All my Relations and release that love uniting you, and all of life, together.

Following Jesus means living with unlimited forgiveness, radical acceptance, radiating peace, love, and understanding to all.

Know that we share a common breath, a uniting pulse, regardless of colour, regardless of gender, or regardless of vocation.

This is true regardless if you are LGBTQ2+, regardless of faith tradition, or any other way you would like to create separation.

This is the Essence of life, that we cannot live without, that unites us more powerfully than anything that can separate us.

Until next time many blessings, Sharon.

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