Wallaceburg writer John Gardiner publishes ‘My Left-Handed, Backwards, Upside-Down Life and Assorted Short Stories’

By Dave Babbitt – Special to the Sydenham Current

In my previous column, I suggested that I would like to delve a bit into the Literary Arts.

I was trying to compile a list of authors known to me who either live here in the Wallaceburg area or are former residents.

While my list is nowhere close to complete, I immediately think of Emily Schultz who now lives in Brooklyn, New York and has gone on to lofty heights in the publishing world.

I also think of the late Al Mann and his many books chronicling local history, Marcy Kennedy, Mark Childs and soon to be published, Mark Aarssen.

While I’ve never seen the book, the late Yon Shimizu wrote “The Exiles: An Archival History of the World War II Japanese Road Camps in British Columbia and Ontario” which I understand is a monumental work of research and writing.

I also know of a few would-be writers who wouldn’t want their names mentioned.

I believe that we all have stories to tell, but few are able to transform those stories, fiction of non-fiction, into publishable work.

As with all artistic pursuits, great skills are required to be successful as an author.

Submitted Photo

This week I have been talking with my long-time friend, fellow musician, and published Author, John Gardiner.

Originally from Hanover, a rather circuitous route in the news and magazine businesses, eventually landed John here in Wallaceburg in the late 80’s.

When he began writing in his 20’s back in the 1980’s there was of course no such thing as a personal computer, so he purchased a 1918 Underwood typewriter from the Salvation Army Thrift Store for a mere twenty dollars, and he was off!

While twenty dollars seems like chickenfeed today, the newspaper business paid so poorly at the time that he had to pay for it in two $10 installments!

Known primarily as a writer of short stories, the period between roughly 1987 and 2005 were John’s most prolific years, when he turned out in excess of 150 works.

John describes his short stories as “emotional thought-scapes” intended to “create vivid emotional images in the minds of readers and listeners.”

He says he writes “ordinary stories about ordinary people in ordinary situations” or in other words, things we can all relate to.

While John’s stories are all fictional, they are based on real-life experiences and many of his stories revolve around the downtrodden in society.

He has a special place in his heart for the down-and-out, knowing that their lot in life isn’t always a mere matter of poor choices, or their own fault.

After accumulating many stories, he started passing out random copies for people to read.

Based on the feedback he received, in 1991 he decided to print a small collection of stories that were printed and bound locally by Copy Express.

In November of that year, he distributed all 100 copies of his collection, and they sold-out within a week.

Based on this success, over the next few years he printed an additional three different collections of his work that also sold well locally.

Back in the early 2000’s, John decided to try and get his material “out there” by conducting what I’ll call a “literary tour” of several communities in our area.

He lined-up a venue in each of the communities, invited his good childhood friend and superb musician/performer Richard Knechtel to provide some musical entertainment, and read some of his short stories to anyone who would listen.

I happened to go along to one of his readings in Ridgetown and provided the sound equipment for the “gig”.

It was truly, a wonderful, relaxing evening of both word and song in the quaintest little store on the main street of Ridgetown.

I made a recording of that event and have listened to it several times in the ensuing years.

Four years ago, John released his first book titled “Memories for Sale – Tales From a Small Town”.

The book is a collection of 12 short stories, 12 pieces of poetry, and a short novel.

He embarked on a book tour that took him to over 50 stops all across Ontario.

The tour was very similar to the years-earlier tour only this time he utilized local musicians for the entertainment in each community.

Without the clout and marketing-might of a large publisher, John says that it’s very difficult for independent writers to sell books.

If you want people to read your work, it takes a concerted personal effort.

While overall the book tour was successful, John says that sometimes he read to two people and other times to 200, but he’s not particularly comfortable being a “front man”.

His musical background is that of a bass player who’s usually found in the back row, a role and place he’s far more comfortable in.

But he needed to sell his books.

As John told me, “I don’t want my stories to die with me”.

Accompanying John on his book tour, was his wife Carol McPhail’s grandson, Mitch Graszat, a very talented videographer.

Mitch captured many of the moments and John’s thoughts as he toured across Ontario and the result was an excellent, award-winning Documentary which can be viewed on John’s web page, www.johngardinerstories.com.

Fast-forward to today, and John is set to launch his latest effort titled “My Left-Handed, Backwards, Upside-Down Life and Assorted Short Stories”.

The book will available the first week of October and while it will eventually be available through both Amazon and Chapters, local citizens can order a signed copy by simply calling John at 519-627-5978.

The book is another collection of short stories but starts off with a great story about growing up in Hanover. John says that it’s a departure from his normal subject matter and is “mostly humorous anecdotes”.

John says that for him, writing is “enormously lonely work”, but that there’s no better feeling than to finish a story and know that you’ve just written something special.

Our conversation ended with an uplifting story.

After reading one of his stories, a lady called John to tell him that she hadn’t spoken to or had anything to do with her mother for over 30 years.

After reading the story, she ran right home to talk to her mom.

It doesn’t get any better than being able to affect someone’s life through your words.

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