Pause the chaos and stay grounded this Christmas season

By Sharon Campbell Rayment – Special to the Sydenham Current

Last week I shared a tip about getting quiet and taking time to pause to just “float” above the chaos as we continue our “Journey to Christmas”.

Here is another tip to pause the chaos and stay grounded, present, and loving in this season and throughout your day.

Paul in Galatians 6 tells us to share our struggles as part of loving ourselves and our neighbours.

In other words, I believe he is saying, “Ask for help!”

It is not an easy thing to do. After my accident I soon realized I needed to ask for help. Not just for the physical part of the brain injury, but mentally and spiritually.

There were days the loneliness, pain, and fears felt overwhelming. Yet just as I was feeling at my lowest a friend would walk in the door with flowers, I’d receive a card of hope, or someone would just call or text to check in.

We were not meant to journey alone, which has become very apparent throughout this pandemic. We need each other, we need to be present to the ones we love, to serve and share with others.

Jesus exemplified this for us. He did not journey alone. He had 12 close friends to talk to, to share a meal with, to share dreams and plans with.

We too need to Seek Community and friends to support us.

As we gather as a community of faith each week at Trinity, we uplift each other and reach out to those who need support, are experiencing difficulties, and to share God’s love and hope.

Here are things that are better together!

Surround yourself with friends and sing! Yes, I know, keep your masks on, but even when you hum a Christmas carol you are initiating the vagus nerve, that encourages the relaxation response rather than stress. So, even if you can’t carry a note, sing! You’ll feel more relaxed, focused, and connected!

Gather to pray, meditate, share stories of hope and love. Read hope filled, inspiring, good news instead of watching C.N.N., Constantly Negative

News that is so popular on tv and throughout the world.

When we share our sacred writings each week in worship at Trinity, we are reminded that we are not alone. Immanuel is with us, within us, and the Light of the World is returning.

We are reminded not to worry (Matthew 6:25-34), that God strengthens us (Isaiah 4:10), we need not fear but tap into the power of love (2 Tim 1:7) and renew of our mind every day towards hope (Romans 12:2), for we are not alone (John 14:18), and all our relations are united as one in breath and Spirit and unconditional love. (John 17:21-23)

Holy tamolie! I know that is a run on sentence Sharon! Yikes!

But that is our hope, it is our promise, it is our community of love, and it is our greatest instruction that all communities of faith, religions, spiritual practices are centred on: to love one another.

So on our “Journey to Christmas” let’s remind each other to reach out in love to our family and friends, to those in need, and allow ourselves to ask for help whenever we need.

Sing, share, support one another in this season my friends! Know you are never alone and until next time remember every breath you take is a breath of God and a shared one with All my Relations United as One.

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