Deadline looms to apply for Wheatley housing assistance

The deadline for applying for the Provincial Wheatley Residents Assistance Program funded by MMAH (Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing) is January 31, 2022.

Municipal officials say if residents have not yet applied for either the lump-sum payment for emergency expenses or the assistance program for additional housing costs, contact a Wheatley Case Manager by calling 519-351-8573.

Additional Housing costs include:

Temporary housing:

– Up to $4,000 per month while evacuated. The amount calculated is the difference between current housing costs and previous rent at the resident’s evacuated residence.

Permanent housing:

– If residents do not plan on returning to their pre-evacuation residence, they may receive up to $8,000 to assist with one-time housing costs – including last months rent, moving expenses, furnishings and utility hook-ups

In addition to applications, January 31 is also the due date for any outstanding paperwork requested by the province in relation to housing assistance applications.

If residents need assistance in applying for the program, contact a Wheatley Case Manager at 519-351-8573 prior to the deadline of January 31, 2022.

Provincial funding for both these programs ends on March 31, 2022.

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