Wallaceburg Museum seeking volunteers to help with bingos

The Wallaceburg and District Museum is seeking a couple of volunteers to help with bingos at Wallaceburg Hometown Bingo.

The Museum is is one of the community groups who work bingos as a fundraiser for programs, tours, etc.

Volunteers for other initiatives are also being sought, Museum officials say.

To inquire, email businessadmin@wallaceburgmuseum.ca or call 519-627-8962.

Dana Haggith caught up with Seema Rameshwarsingh, the Museum’s office manager, and Henry VanHaren, the president at the Museum, to discuss the volunteer opportunities, along with the Museum’s movie nights and their new research room.

Listen, below:

More details about the Museum can be found, here.

More details about Wallaceburg Hometown Bingo can be found, here.

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