Haycock-Cavanagh Funeral Home – Cathy Lalonde, Aftercare Specialist

My name is Cathy Johnston Lalonde. I am married to Gus (Gary) and Wallaceburg has always been home. My first career, working with young children spanned over 35 years, where I had the privilege to engage with many local families through their child’s early years. Upon retirement, I was not convinced I was fully prepared for this next step so I began looking for opportunities where I could utilize my past experiences, skills, and my desire to give back to my community. I consider myself a life-long learner and still wanted to grow personally and professionally. This adventure has landed me at Haycock Cavanagh Funeral Home in my current position of Aftercare Specialist. This position, although different from my past experiences, has many similarities, with the most important attribute being compassion. I am humbled, that at a time when families are most vulnerable, am able to connect, show understanding and guide them through a most difficult time in their life.

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