Rhonda Jubenville, Ward 4 – North Kent, Council Candidate

Rhonda Jubenville is one of eight candidates running for one of two spots on Municipality of Chatham-Kent Council, representing Ward 4 – North Kent.

Jubenville told the Sydenham Current she recently ran for elected office in the Provincial election in June.

“Through this campaign period, I was able to get my feet wet in the world of politics,” she said.

“Although I am not a fan of being referred to as a politician, I will accept it, if need be. I see myself more as an advocate and a (civil) servant. I have served and advocated for people in various volunteer roles for over 21 years in Chatham-Kent. I feel many, (not all) on CK Council have lost sight of the fact that they are elected in place to serve their Constituents; the good people of Chatham-Kent and no one else.”

Jubenville said if given the opportunity to serve on Chatham-Kent Council, the constituents will remain at the forefront of her efforts.

“I will not ‘work’ for, or be directed by CK Administration, or be coerced by anyone other than under the direction of the constituents of Ward 4 and the remaining Wards, to make common sense, pragmatic, financially responsible decisions, with the betterment of CK in mind,” Jubenville said.

“I am also willing to stand up and speak up for the constituents of Ward 4 and the other Wards, even if it means standing alone. The past two and a half years have been long, stressful and difficult for many people in CK and I believe many decisions on the direction and spending in CK have been made in error based on media hype and propaganda and misguided direction from other bodies. Council must make responsible and accountable decisions with only the people of Chatham-Kent in mind when making these decisions. Sadly, CK Council has strayed from these objectives.”

Jubenville said she’s hoping to be “part of a change” that will help to see Chatham-Kent have better days ahead.

“I know I’m only one person, but I also know that change can start with me… and you,” she said.

“I have been involved with my family business in Chatham for approximately 43 years, since I was knee high to a grasshopper. I’ve seen the hard work, sacrifices and wisdom that comes from running a successful business and I feel these qualities could be transferable to sitting on Council and running a successful Municipality. I have served in volunteer roles in a few organizations over the past 21 years and served as President on two different organizations in my time doing so.”

Jubenville said she’s prepared “to serve the people of Chatham-Kent and work diligently to make CK one of the best places to live for you, your children and grandchildren.

“I will be boots on the ground, campaigning door-to-door across Ward 4, starting very soon and I look forward to meeting and speaking with the Constituents and hearing their concerns and ideas,” Jubenville added.

Election Day is October 24, 2022.

Election details from the Municipality of Chatham-Kent can be found, here.

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