Wallaceburg and District Museum

Here at the Wallaceburg & District Museum you will find genealogical data, extensive photo collections, local histories, indexed information concerning births, deaths, marriages, individuals, newspaper archives and much more.

Within our museum lies local resource and reference materials: in files; indexes; support documents; reference books and pamphlets; microfiche and microfilmed data; and computer stored information. These all combine to offer researchers substantial support for their efforts. The Wallaceburg & District Museum has archival materials and presents those resources to researchers who wish to dig in and sift through our stored data materials to what will aid their searches.

Frank Mann Research Room ; A display of records kept outlining Wallaceburg History

Interested individuals are welcomed to take advantage of the vast amount of material found within our archives. The Museum works in close co-operation with the Wallaceburg branch of the Kent County Library system where indexed files of information are also available upon request.

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