Four ways to decrease stress at Christmas

By Rev. Sharon Campbell Rayment – Special to the Sydenham Current

This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent.

There are four Sundays in Advent representing Joy, Peace, Hope, and Love.

Advent is a time of anticipating. Anticipation of the birth of Jesus.

Yet rather than anticipating the joy of Christmas and the birth of Jesus we often stress about our lists.

Lists of gifts to be purchased.

Lists of food to be made.

Lists of parties to attend.

Lists of items for wrapping.

Lists of things to do to decorate the house and the Christmas tree.

Holy tamolie!

It is a lot!

Here are four ways to decrease the stress, hurry and worry of this time so you can enjoy the moments and memories this season brings in the love God revealed to us in the birth of a wee babe in Jesus.

First B+. Be positive!

That is my blood type B+ so being positive should come easy to me. Yet it doesn’t always! It’s easier to grumble and complain but instead focus on the experiences you enjoy at Christmas.

Don’t dwell on the negative.

Remember there is no such thing as a perfect family or perfect holiday, regardless of what you see on television or social media.

Maintain your routine.

As much as possible, maintain your regular schedules for sleeping, eating, and exercise. Your vitality and health can be weakened by changes in routine, which can lead to feelings of anxiety or irritability.

Making time for yourself can create inner peace and help you stay grounded.

Stay in the present moment.

What is the best gift you could give to yourself and others this Christmas?

Being present.

Stay focused on the moment before you.

Your family will not be here forever.

Share your appreciation for their presence, share with them why they are special to you in your life at the moment.

Lastly, keep your sense of humour! Even during the most frustrating, dysfunctional moments.

Laughter is contagious so don’t take everything so seriously.

Lighten up and spread the joy!

What is it called when a snowman has a temper tantrum?

A meltdown.

Plan to enjoy Christmas without all of the hassles!

Maybe even skip the lists this year and donate in your loved ones name to a charity of your choice rather than purchase a lot of gifts.

Stay focused on the true reason for the season, the life of Jesus born within the world, and within you, this Christmas making way for joy, love, hope, and peace!

Until next time remember that every breath you take is a breath of God Uniting All Our Relations as One.

One Heartbeat, One Breath, and One Song!

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