Wallaceburg Retirement Residence

We have an exciting new feature on our website – a Gratitude Page! 💫

Here at Wallaceburg Retirement Residence, we’re so grateful to be a part of such a caring and supportive community. Our residents and staff truly value the love and encouragement they receive each and every day.

With our new Gratitude Web Page, you can now share your love and send a note to a resident or staff member with the click of a button! Simply fill out our messaging form and we’ll make sure your note is well received. 📧

For those interested in contributing to the Levante Foundation, you can also do so on our Gratitude Page.

Thank you for being such valued and supportive members of our community! You can find our new gratitude web page with the link below. 💙


retirementresidence #retirementliving #lifeatlevante

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