By Rev. Sharon Campbell Rayment – Special to the Sydenham Current
My dear friends it is with a heavy heart that I announce that my last Sunday at Trinity is this coming Sunday.
Circumstances beyond my control have led my husband and I to move to West Guilford, near Haliburton.
I do not as yet have a church that I am called to and so I will continue to write a blog at to continue my sharing.
I want to thank each of you for your generosity of spirit and love.
It has been my honour and pleasure to share my reflections with you.
I believe that the scripture Jeremiah 29:11 is our assurance in times of change.
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Change can be difficult.
Trust I believe can be the most challenging part of it.
Trusting that God is at the helm. Trusting that all will reveal itself in due time.
Trusting that the storm will not overwhelm us.
In times of change it can feel like we are spinning out of control.
It can be painstaking to be patient and persevere.
In these times I often think of the writings of Julian of Norwich.
Julian was a mystic that lived through the Black Plague.
One of Julian’s most famous and comforting sayings is, “All will be well. In all manner of things shall be well.”
Julian did not write this lightly suggesting that all of life is pain free, free of challenges, of death and dis ease.
It’s not a Hallmark moment or about sticking your head in the sand pretending all this bad stuff will go away.
It is a message that in all our suffering God’s love is present and in absolute trust in this love, we courageously move through the moments of uncertainty knowing God is with us.
It is about being able to find the centre of peace and joy within even in the midst of the storm.
Knowing God’s love transcends chaos and impermanence.
God is the eye of the storm.
The point of assurance and calm even as chaos swirls around us, this allows us to remain grounded, present, and optimistic “that all will be well”.
Here we find a place to reside patiently, praying with perseverance for “God’s will be done.”
When we can trust God, and open ourselves to God, all things are transformed and we can experience and radiate true peace, love, and joy that surpasses all understanding.
In this we can live out the writings in Joshua 1:9, “Be strong and courageous!
Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”
May you always recall Julian’s deepest message, “You are loved.”
It is God’s message to you and I share in that joy for you.
Support and uplift one another in love and share that light that radiates from you with all you meet!
And remember, each breath you take is a breath of God shared with All of My Relations United as One. One Breath ~ One Heartbeat ~ One Song!
With a hug and deep love, Rev. Sharon