All Seasons Nursery and Flowers, located at 254 Margaret Avenue in Wallaceburg, is celebrating their 20th Anniversary and Earth Day with a special tree planting.
This Earth Day, which is on Saturday, April 22, 2023, All Seasons is supplying 20 trees to be planted in the community.
Julie VanDamme, owner, told the Sydenham Current 10 locations have been chosen by their family and staff, while the other 10 locations are being chosen by the community.
VanDamme said people need to submit their ideas for tree planting locations by the end of the day on Friday, April 21, 2023, through social social media, phone at 519-627-6086 or by stopping in.
Dana Haggith caught up with VanDamme for an interview. Listen, below:
Follow All Seasons on Facebook, here.
– This story is sponsored content.