The value of appreciation

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Are you good at showing appreciation?

The dictionary defines ‘appreciation’ as “the act of estimating the qualities of things and giving them their proper value.”

A good employer knows the value of showing appreciation for his/her employees.

So does a good coach whose team works hard in practice and in the game.

However, what about the mundane, ordinary affairs of life?

Shouldn’t we show appreciation there, as well?

I guess I’m thinking about the person who checks your groceries with a pleasant smile, or delivers your mail or newspaper in all kinds of weather.

Or what about the kid who shoveled your walk or cut your grass?

So what if they were paid to do these things, appreciation will help them to put extra effort into their work and that benefits everyone.

There is a good principle for this found in Proverbs 25:11, where it says, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.”

I came back to my office from lunch one time and found a handwritten note scribbled on my desk.

It was from a newly married young woman who grew up in our church years ago.

She and her husband were in the community on a vacation and were visiting family.

She mentioned how much they appreciated my visits to her grandfather.

It really blessed me.

Why not try a little appreciation on for size in this coming week?

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