Family Service Kent receives $108,400 Trillium grant

On Thursday, local MPP Trevor Jones met with the team at Family Service Kent (FSK) to celebrate a $108,400 Capital grant from the provincial government’s Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) to enhance their services for the Chatham-Kent community.

“Supporting our local communities is paramount, and I am pleased to support this initiative. This investment will significantly enhance transportation services in rural Chatham-Kent, especially benefiting older adults and those with disabilities. Such services are vital in ensuring everyone has access to the resources and services they need,” said Trevor Jones, MPP for Chatham—Kent—Leamington, in a press release.

First awarded in September 2023, the grant allowed the organization to purchase a new accessible vehicle to enhance their transportation services in rural Chatham-Kent.

Family Service Kent’s transportation services aim to connect people to their community through safe, affordable, and accessible door-to-door options.

Services include medical or therapeutic appointments, activities to enhance mental health, and other engagements that support the activities of daily living whether locally or out of town. Family Service Kent’s transportation services are intended to complement other local options by accommodating the needs of many vulnerable members in the community.

The need for transportation services throughout Chatham-Kent has steadily been increasing to the point that Family Service Kent found itself at capacity with its current fleet of vehicles.

In its bid to the Ontario Trillium Foundation Capital Grant Fund, Family Service Kent was able to show the need for enhanced transportation services, especially for older adults and people with disabilities. Through the grant, Family Service Kent was able to procure an accessible vehicle which will increase its current capacity.

“This grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation is a significant contribution that will strengthen Family Service Kent’s ability to meet the essential needs of many people throughout Chatham-Kent,” said Dan Farrow, Executive Director of Family Service Kent, in a press release.

“The addition of an accessible vehicle will allow even more people in our community to attend important appointments and other engagements, which ultimately helps members of our community reach their full potential. We are grateful to the Ontario Trillium Foundation for this grant which recognizes the importance of every individual’s value to the community.”

“Whether it’s helping people learn new things, connect with their community, or simply have fun, organizations like Family Service Kent deliver experiences that make a difference,” said Stan Cho, Minister of Tourism, Culture and Gaming, in a media release.

“That’s why grant support through the Ontario Trillium Foundation is so important. This funding will help ensure they remain at the heart of the community for decades to come.”

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is an agency of the Ontario government with a mission to build healthy and vibrant communities across the province.

Last year, OTF invested more than $110M into 1,044 community projects and multi-sector partnerships. Projects aim to enhance economic well-being, foster more active lifestyles, support child and youth development, provide spaces for people to come together and connect, and create a more sustainable environment.

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