Telltale investment

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

I read one of those quotes on social media recently that was a total mic drop: “You define what is important to you by what you dedicate your time to.”

Think good and hard about that statement.

How much time do you spending scrolling on your phone, or sitting in front of the television, or gaming, or… well, you get the point.

Now, let me be clear here, that I am not talking about having some down time or hobby interests.

I am talking about something that dominates your time on a regular basis.

Years ago, I had a financial investment that I was tracking on the stock pages of the local newspaper.

I found myself eager to check its status daily, poring over the numbers and phoning a family member for advice on whether to sell or wait.

I’d like to say that it was just a simple interest I had, but no, I was consumed by this investment!

I found myself in a grumpy mood if the numbers fell, and spending even more time thinking about my options if they rose.

I certainly wasn’t losing any sleep over time lost with family or personal growth choices.

Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”

I definitely wasn’t guarding my heart.

We are early enough in this new year to sit down and take some time to evaluate our time choices.

Ask yourself a couple of questions, “How am I spending my time? Are there some things that need to change in order for my priorities to line up in the right order?”

If you’re really feeling bold, ask your spouse or children for their opinion.

Either way, pray and ask the Lord to help you.

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