Two powerful words

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

‘Jesus wept.’

Two powerful words that form the shortest verse in the entire Bible, yet their impact is far-reaching.

This statement was made by Jesus at the grave of His dear friend, Lazarus.

They are found in John 11:35.

Perhaps you are going through some difficult trial in your life right now.

It may be a financial crisis, a bad report from your doctor, or a conflict in a key relationship.

Itā€™s possible that you may have lost a loved one recently, or even not so recently, but the pain is still fresh and sharp.

This short verse of Scripture demonstrates the heart of our Saviour.

He is not some cosmic despot high in the heavens, far removed from our problems and the issues we face.

No, He came and dwelt amongst us and identified with our frail humanity and felt the pain of grief.

He lives among His people by the Holy Spirit.

I lost my dad quite suddenly 30 years ago.

Let me tell you, it really rocked my world!

On the night before the funeral, as I was driving my future wife to her home, I had no words and was lost in my own grief.

I began to cry, but a few seconds later I heard sobs coming from the seat opposite me.

Ruth never spoke to me on that ride home but she did cry with me.

I needed that.

Jesus didnā€™t give Lazarusā€™ sisters a lecture and advice on how to pull their socks up.

No, at that critical time He gave them His tears.

He shared their pain and He will share yours also.

Whatever it is that you may be going through right now it is not out of the Saviourā€™s reach.

Cry to Him and let Him share your pain and help you through it.

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