Mercy: Not getting what you truly deserve

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Back in the summer my two boys had the misfortune of getting a ticket out on one of the local waterways for failing to wear a personal flotation device while on their rubber raft.

Apparently, there were other offenses that the Coast Guard officer also noticed, but decided to only charge them with this misdemeanour.

The result was a $240 fine for each of them!

As this amount represented about three quarters of a weekā€™s pay from their summer job, we decided to contest the ticket and were subsequently given a late November court date.

As we met with the prosecutor just prior to entering the courtroom, it appeared that all hope of getting the ticket reduced would be lost.

This kind lady informed my sons that they could not plead ‘not guilty’ to an obvious law and as they were admitting guilt anyway there was really nothing to contest.

We did not have any grounds for a lighter sentence.

I sensed $240 leaving on a jet plane from my boysā€™ bank accounts.

But then an amazing thing happened.

The prosecutor asked both of my sons their ages and if they currently had jobs.

When she found out that their summer jobs were long over and that they currently did not have work she asked if they thought it would be okay if the fine was reduced to $95.

That, my friends, is called MERCY.

It is something we donā€™t get that we really should.

My sons deserved to pay the full fine but the prosecutor showed them mercy and reduced it significantly.

When Jesus Christ died on the cross he was taking our place and giving us incomparable mercy.

We are called to do the same.

In Matthew 5:7 Jesus says, “Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.”

Is there someone in your life right now who needs a little mercy?

Why not be like Jesus and give it to them?

If you want people to show you mercy then you need to give it, as well.

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