Historical plaque unveiled in Mitchell’s Bay commemorating the commercial fishing industry (Video)

The historical plaque unveiling took place in Mitchell’s Bay on Monday, June 24, 2024 to commemorate the commercial fishing industry, that thrived in Mitchell’s Bay from 1900 to 1985.

This initiative was put together by Mayor Darrin Canniff and the Chatham-Kent Historical Society.

Information was presented from the chair of the Chatham-Kent Heritage Network, Lisa Gilbert.

North Kent Councillor Jamie McGrail was present and brought greetings from the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

Dave Smith, a committee volunteer, made comments as well.

The unveiling of the plaque was done by Ross Broadbent, Jimmy Broadbent and Max Broadbent.

A reception was held at the pavilions in Mitchell’s Bay Park after the unveiling.

A video of the presentation can be seen, below:

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