Does God hear you?

A photo by Olu Eletu.

From The Pastor’s Pen – By Brian Horrobin

Do you ever wonder, when you are going through a difficult time and you are praying up a storm, if the Lord actually hears you?

In the Old Testament, the prophet, Micah, was faced with a difficult challenge speaking to Godā€™s people.

During his time the rich were oppressing the poor, merchants were cheating their customers, religious and judicial leaders were corrupt, and the true prophets, like Micah, were told to keep their mouths shut.

This whole scenario had discouragement written all over it.

However, Micah decided to focus instead on Godā€™s promises.

Look what he said in Micah 7:7: ā€œBut as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.ā€

On the outside things looked like they couldnā€™t get worse.

It would have been easy for this prophet of God to just lie down and quit.

Maybe we feel that way some of the time.

Our best efforts can seem so inadequate, but that is where Godā€™s power comes in.

He does what we cannot do, and all we have to do is ask Him.

Micah lived to tell about this and got through this deep valley because he knew God had heard his cry.

And Iā€™ve got great news for you: He hears your cry, too!

God is not deaf, nor preoccupied, nor forgetful.

He inclines His ear to hear your prayer and deliver you from your troubles.

Try that out this week.

God will be listening intently!


  1. I know GOD hears and answers my prayers and when they are not answered I always find out down the road why they weren’t – because He had a better plan.

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