Need help deciding who to vote for? Try this


Are you having some difficulty deciding who you are going to vote for tomorrow (June 12) in the provincial election?

Why not give Vote Compass by CBC News a try!

It will at least give you some food for thought to help you decide.

The interactive features of the site takes your through a process of asking you different questions, such as:

– How much should college and university students pay for their education?

– How much should be done to accommodate religious minorities in Ontario?

– Ontario should build more wind farms. (Strongly agree to Strongly disagree)

– Terminally ill patients should be able to legally end their own lives with medical assistance. (Strongly agree to Strongly disagree)

– People should be able to pay for faster access to medical treatment. (Strongly agree to Strongly disagree)

Once you complete the survey, the system shows you your results and compares them based on how the four main parties (Liberal, PC, NDP and Green) view the particular issue.

At the end it will show you where you sit on the “political landscape” and also give you a percentage for how much you agree with the different parties.

It’s easy to use, and helps you compare your personal views of main election issues with the views and of the major parties in the province.

Try it here!

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