Rest and recreation are necessary

sunshine sun

From The Pastor’s Pen – Brian Horrobin

For the past month and a half I have been on a sabbatical from my regular duties as a pastor, with one more month to go.

It has been quite an interesting time, but I found it necessary to make some adjustments in order to transition from the usual, busy grind of day to day ministry into the realm of study and rest.

I have been at my present church for almost 22 years and switching gears was a bit of a challenge for me.

Nevertheless, the break has been refreshing and invigorating for me.

Jesus understood this and at one point in his ministry with the apostles said this in Mark 6:31: “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

For some people, going to a quiet place and resting is no problem at all, yet for others, the hectic pace of daily life can keep us from such respite.

Summer is here and with it some opportunities to get away from the usual routine of busyness and take a break.

Our bodies need rest and recreation.

God Himself rested on the 7th day after creating the world and set a standard for us to live by.

Sadly, many do not observe any such breaks and feel the need to go at it 24/7, but that is a mistake.

So, I urge you to look at your summer as a season where you get some rest and relaxation in amidst all the other busy things you do.

If Jesus did it that should be a hint that we need to, as well.

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