Healthy Babies, Healthy Children program offered across C-K


Is there a new baby in your future or are you a parent of a child 0-6 years old?

The Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit offers a free voluntary program for expectant parents and families with children up to 6 years of age called Healthy Babies Healthy Children. Through this home visiting program, a Public Health Nurse and Family Home Visitor provide education, support, advice and referrals to community services.

A Public Health Nurse (PHN) is a Registered Nurse who specializes in children’s health and development.

The Family Home Visitor has experience and training to support parents with young children. Since each family situation is different, the Public Health Nurse and Family Home Visitor work together with each parent in developing goals specific and unique to each family situation.

In general, home visits can help you learn about having a healthy pregnancy and birth, connecting with your baby, how children grow and develop as well as what you can do to help, positive parenting skills, breastfeeding, food and healthy nutrition, taking care of yourself and your family, and community services available to you and your child. Home visits can be offered on a short or long term basis depending on the needs of each family.

The overall goal of the Healthy Babies Healthy Children Program is helping parents give their children the best start in life by encouraging healthy child development, increasing parent’s confidence and skills and connecting families to community resources.

Supporting you and your child…It’s what we do.

For more information about the Healthy Babies Healthy Children program please

contact the Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit intake line at 519.352.7270 ext 2903 or

check out our blog at

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