Report: ‘Prestancia’ applying for separation from Chatham-Kent


It appears that a highly populated section of Chatham, is looking to go out on their own.

Sources say that the ‘Prestancia’ subdivision is in the process of applying for separation from the Municipality of Chatham-Kent.

“It is a move that the people of Prestancia feel is essential,” the anonymous source told the Sydenham Current.

“We want our own identity.”

The source says the proposal is currently in the very “preliminary stages” with the Ontario Municipal Board and a consultation hearing is in the works.

Citing the Association of Municipalities of Ontario the sources says “Municipalities have always looked for opportunities to implement more integrated systems of services inside municipal boundaries and between municipal neighbours. It just makes sense to work cooperatively and take advantage of administration and program efficiencies that make services work better for people at the local level.

“Plans are already being made to construct a city hall. We are looking forward to still maintaining a good working relationship with Chatham-Kent. I mean, it only makes sense, right?” the source says.

Here is our updated story:

april fools 2015

Photo credit: Google Maps


  1. Yup I’d think it was an April Fools’ joke…just like the time on April first on year, the paper read Dresden was going to Paint their town hall bright purple…ppl didn’t read the end of the article lol

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